Welcome To
SpongeHead Productions!
Cartoons, Illustration and Caricature
The ability to draw and create concepts intended to send a "message in a moment" is a unique skillset available with SpongeHead. Furthermore, caricaturing is a very specialized talent that few artist's possess. At SpongeHead, we have the ability to conceive and achieve in all aspects of art.
Since 1985, SpongeHead has been cartooning professionally producing thousands of cartoons for reprint that have appeared in London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Canada & Africa...and reproduced in Newsweek, World Events, the United Nations Council on Apartheid, ESPN and educational textbooks. Through cartooning, SpongeHead has been to the White House and met President Reagan, had cartoons signed by President Bush, Jesse Jackson, Congressman, Governors and celebrities like Regis Philbin and Denzel Washington. We have conducted numerous lectures on the art of cartooning and if we are able to win multiple national and regional cartooning awards then we are ready to create a cartoon that helps convey your message. Nothing speaks louder than a picture!
Here's some samples of cartoons (click image to enlarge).

Political Cartoon History Contest!
Okay, let's see how much you know about our political history back in the 80s and 90s. View the following cartoons and try to answer the questions.
(Place mouse over cartoon and click the "maximize/minimize" symbol to view better)

Drawings/Illustrations/Greeting Cards/Licensing
SpongeHead's illustrative work is typically commissioned and has been used extensively in the workplace including corporations, design agencies and magazines and has appeared on television broadcasts, school textbooks, greeting cards and in licensing.
Below is a cross section of some of this work (click to enlarge).

Caricaturing is a unique ability to capture someone's likeness and personality in a picture. SpongeHead can create 3 types
of caricatures:
(1) On-the-spot quick sit-down caricatures [see samples below in the photo collage],
(2) Special occasion caricatures commemorating an event or theme, and
(3) Publication reprint caricatures typically of public figures such as politicians, celebrities or people in the news [see samples below for these types of caricatures & 'special occasion' caricatures].
Attached below are two PDF brochures on SpongeHead's caricaturing capabilities. The first attachment showcases all 3 types of caricatures (see cover image at right) and the second attachment is specific to On-the-Spot caricatures. Download and review...

"On-the-spot" Caricaturing Video and Photo Collage
(Click this VIDEO LINK to watch a 'live' caricature process video and click below photo gallery to enlarge)
[Video compliments of videographer extraordinaire Jeanine LaBeet]

Publication & Special Occasion Caricatures
(Do you recognize any famous faces? Click on the images to enlarge and find out who they are and details on the caricature)

For Booking Caricatures....
If you would like to discuss any of the caricaturing services by SpongeHead then send an inquiry email (email link here).